Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Ghost Of The Late King Hamlet - 1374 Words

Although some may think the ghost of the late King Hamlet in William Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet is a demon, but the truth is that Hamlet’s father didn t reveal himself to anyone besides Hamlet because he knew his son would avenge his death allowing him to receive divine in Heaven. Throughout the Elizabethan Era no one in that time period knew how much of an influence they would have on all of the world. In Caffery’s words, â€Å"[The] Elizabethan Era was a period of time from 1558 to 1603 known as the golden age in English history. Queen Elizabeth I reigned over England while all around the arts flourished in the society† (Caffrey). William Shakespeare was one of the most iconic writers in this era, for his use of all the genres like history, tragedy, and comedy in his plays and sonnets. During this time people became more comfortable with this unknown that most plays and sonnets included like purgatory, but they were still not comfortable with talking a bout ghosts walking on the earth. Even though each religious leader in the Elizabethan Era set how their people should have thought about Purgatory, they all had the same definition of what it was. Purgatory is defined as, â€Å"‘the prison in which ghosts were normally incarcerated, though they might be allowed to escape now and then to briefly haunt those of the living whose zeal in their behalf was insufficient† (Low). A soul that is repenting their sins in Purgatory is called a Poor Soul unlike the Damned who are the souls inShow MoreRelatedThe Ghost Of Late King Hamlet1816 Words   |  8 PagesWhile reading Hamlet, there are many unanswered questions pop up, which can be very tricky to find a definite answer to. One unanswered question that truly is a key element in Hamlet is whether the ghost of late King Hamlet is a demon or angel testing Hamlet’s character. This is never truly stated in the text whether he is a good or bad soul, but what helps to understand this is Shakespeare’s us e of Purgatory. Purgatory is the middle ground where a soul is not good enough for Heaven but not bad enoughRead MoreFeigning Madness Or Truly Insane?1173 Words   |  5 PagesTruly Insane? In Shakespeare’s Hamlet each of the characters face many trials and tribulations throughout the play. Hamlet, the main character, suffers the most. While Hamlet deals with all of the problems he faces, he becomes mentally unstable. Some believe that Hamlet just feigned madness while others believe that he actually became insane. Hamlet began to face insanity after the marriage of his mother and uncle and his problems only became worse which leads to Hamlet truly becoming insane. The firstRead MoreKing Hamlet By William Shakespeare1641 Words   |  7 Pagesaudience and his readers the freedom to interpret the deeper meaning of his work. Of the many themes in the play â€Å"Hamlet†, the concept of memory is the most influential, specifically, the memory of King Hamlet represented by the ghost. The memory of King Hamlet created an aura of mystery within the play, leaving much of it open to interpretation. Moreover, the memory of the late King Hamlet was the driving force of the plot, initiating many of the important events that occurred within it. Lastly, itRead MoreHamlet : A Fragile Mind1429 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet with a fragile mind as it is with the death of his father and the the commitment made by both his mother and his uncle has been told of a ghost sighting outside of elsinore by the guards of Denmark. He is then asked to watch upon the night to see if it is or is not the ghost of his late father. With everything that has been going on i n Hamlet’s life is he prepared to encounter such a paranormal event; or, is he not in the right state of mind to acknowledge and comprehend his late father’sRead MoreWhen Reading Any Article, Novel Or Play, Readers Are Always1510 Words   |  7 Pagesaudience and his readers the freedom to interpret the deeper meaning of his work. Of all themes in the play â€Å"Hamlet†, the concept of memory is the most influential, more specifically, the memory of King Hamlet represented by the ghost. The memory of King Hamlet created an idea of mystery within the play, leaving much of it open to interpretation. Moreover, the memory of the late King Hamlet was the driving force of the play and initiated many of the important events that occurred within it. LastlyRead MoreHidden Ghost By William Shakespeare1375 Words   |  6 PagesHidden Ghost In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, King Hamlet is killed by Claudius, Prince Hamlet’s uncle. The late king returns as what is suspected to be a ghost or spirit and gives Prince Hamlet orders to seek revenge on Claudius and murder him. This causes Hamlet to intensely consider whether honor or logic is more important. Although Shakespeare only directly refers to one ghost, there are many more ghosts behind the scenes. In the tragedy by Shakespeare, Hamlet as well as all the characters haveRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1278 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet â€Å"To be or not to be, that is the question† Winner of four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor, Laurence Olivier states in his famous redemption of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, where Laurence Oliver played as Hamlet. Characters Laurence Olivier- Prince Hamlet Eileen Herlie – Queen Gertrude Basil Sydney- King Claudius (current king of Denmark) Jean Simmons- Ophelia (Polonius’s Daughter) Norman Wooland –Horatio (Hamlet’s friend) Felix Aylmer -Polonius John Laurie –FranciscoRead MoreTheme Of Deception In Hamlet1338 Words   |  6 Pagesis a need to conceal the truth and also expose the truth. The play Hamlet written by Shakespeare is built around the central theme of deceit. Deceit is used to cover past mistakes that might have once impacted the characters greatly or to conceal an important secret. Every character indulges in some form of deceit whether it be big or small. The most evident characters, however, used deceit to expose and kill one another. Hamlet used deceit to discover the truth but also deceive oneself. ClaudiusRead MoreHamlet - Why Did Hamlet Delay Killing the King? Essay828 Words   |  4 PagesShakespeares Hamlet, the main character continually delays acting out his duty of avenging his fathers murder. This essay will discuss how Hamlets nature and morals (which are intensified by difficult events) prevent him from carrying out the task. In the opening scenes of the play, the Ghost of Hamlets late father reveals to him the true means by which King Hamlet died. The Ghost tells Hamlet that his fathers death was caused by Claudius pouring poison into his ear. He exhorts Hamlet to avengeRead MoreEssay on Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 11041 Words   |  5 Pages One of the best known pieces of literature throughout the world, Hamlet is also granted a position of excellence as a work of art. One of the elements which makes this play one of such prestige is the manner in which the story unfolds. Throughout time, Shakespeare has been renowned for writing excellent superlative opening scenes for his plays. By reviewing Act 1, Scene 1 of Hamlet, the reader is able to establish a clear understanding of events to come. This scene effectively sets a strong mood

Monday, December 16, 2019

Red Scare Created McCarthyism Free Essays

Fear. Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that causes stressful stimulus, causing the release of chemicals. We will write a custom essay sample on Red Scare Created McCarthyism or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is what makes your heart race, fast heavy breathing, and energized or tense muscles. Fear can be the chain reaction through your own body and through your peers. In the 1950’s, after World War Two, there was the nationwide fear called the Red Scare. The ‘Red Scare’ is a period of time where there was strong anti ­communism in the United States. Senator Joseph McCarthy became the public face of that movement. His intentions fueled fear of Communist subversion to the nation. The â€Å"Red Scare† caused America to be in fear of communism, motivating Senator Joseph McCarthy to take advantage of his power. Harry S. Truman was the president during McCarthyism. On March 21, 1947 Truman signed United States Executive Order 9835, sometimes known as the â€Å"Loyalty Order† . This order was developed to establish loyalty for the United States, and root out communist sentiment in the federal government. Truman aimed the opinion of communism on the public. Executive Order 9835 also was the main motivation for the creation of the Attorney General’s List of Subversive Organizations. This became known as McCarthyism. The Loyalty Order was part of the introduction to the rise of Joseph McCarthy. How to cite Red Scare Created McCarthyism, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Case Brief Jones v. Star Credit free essay sample

The Court ruled that â€Å"under the circumstances of this case, the sale of a freezer unit having a retail value of $300 for $900 ($1,439.69 including credit charges and $18 sales tax) is unconscionable as a matter of law.† Common law â€Å"recognizes the importance of a free enterprise system but at the same time will provide the legal armor to protect and safeguard the prospective victim from the harshness of an unconscionable contract.† By ruling in favor of Jones, the Court implies that the government should look out for the â€Å"uneducated and often illiterate individual who is the victim of gross inequality of bargaining power, usually the poorest members of the community.† In a contract with a buyer and seller, there is a significant information gap where the buyer may not know the market value of a good. The seller may then easily take advantage of the buyer and overcharge a significant amount. Such deception is thus not permitted under law when in favor of the petitioner (Jones). We will write a custom essay sample on Case Brief Jones v. Star Credit or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This ensures that sellers will offer a much more competitive and fair price. Public policy dictates that uneducated consumers should be protected from greedy merchants and the dangers of unequal bargaining power. UCC Section:2-302 provides for a moral sense of community in commercial transactions and if a clause of a contract is unconscionable at the time it was made, the court may refuse to enforce the contract. The UCC applies to the price term of a contract. There is a public necessity and desirability for installments sales contracts. However, the pricing scheme on such contracts must afford some protection to the seller for the risk of selling to those who may default on payment. The price terms set in the subject contract are in excess of any assurances and the result is an unconscionable contract. What is the precedent The court sees UCC Section:2-302 as applying to the price term of a contract. The purpose of Section:2-302 is to protect the unequal bargaining power that is often inherent in some contractual agreements.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Value Of Honor Essays - Group Processes, Gaming, Medal Of Honor

The Value of Honor There is a priceless respect that everyone in the world possesses, and that is the respect of a person's honor. A person's honor is something that can not be bought, sold, or traded it's something that must be gained by the respect of your peers. An example of how honor is seen in everyday life in through a persons word. A persons honor is supported by their word, and if they do not uphold their word then they are left with nothing. To try and explain the personal trait of honor is something that can not be done in a few words, or a sentence. I feel as though honor is made up of different combinations of personal traits depending on the individual. Some of these characteristics of honor can include loyalty, reverence, respect, and commitment. Even though honor is usually looked at as being a personal trait, there are people who think that honor can only be given, or shown to an individual. Such examples of this can be seen by being presented with a medal, or having a parade thrown in your honor. This is all a horrible misconception of the word honor. A time that honor is displayed more often than any is during a time of war. This is evident through feats of valor, and heroism. Looking at this aspect of honor I feel as though a person who would fight and die for their country would have more loyalty, and commitment to presenting such honor. Such commendations are awarded in the armed forces as a medal of honor. This medal is awarded to an individual who is on active duty, and distinguishes themselves during a conflict or battle. The medal of honor was first awarded during the civil war in the year 1861. Since the medal of honor's creation there has been some 3,400 medals awarded to the different divisions of the armed forces. Until this day there has only been one woman who has received this honor for her service. During World War II there was a black medal of honor awarded for extraordinary heroism in the face of combat. The next instance that I feel honor plays a big role in is in the presidency of The United States of America. This is probably the greatest honor that anyone could obtain in the United States of America. When our president is looked upon as controlling the most powerful country in the world they are looked up to as the strength that makes us a world power. Even in situations where a person who did not vote for the individual that becomes elected to the presidential office, there is an unspoken bond that brings all Americans together as a whole. In such instances as this I feel as though there is more reverence, and respect for the president than there is for any other elected official in the United States. The honor that develops over time in a friendship is one that should never be toyed around with. A good example of this would be two friends losing their friendship because of a woman. A friend is someone that you can trust, someone who's word means something, and a friend is someone that you should not have to question about anything when it comes to their actions. If you take a look at a fraternity there is a great sense of brotherhood and friendship there. There are some fraternities where at the snap of a finger brothers would jump through hoops for each other, but outside of that brotherhood it would be questioned before taking action on the matter. Brotherhood is a bond that can not be broken by anything, anyone, or anything it's a bond that is held together by honor and blood. In my opinion to have honor for yourself is the most important kind of honor to have if any at all. To have honor for ones self is more important than any friend, country, or organization could ever be. Things change, and you will always be there for yourself when no one else can. Because if you can't respect, or be able to remain loyal to yourself then you don't have anyone to rely on at all. The idea of honor is one that should not be taken lightly for any reason at all. For some people honor is all that they have to give. When someone decides to takes that away, and question that persons honor it

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Practice in Identifying Indirect Objects

Practice in Identifying Indirect Objects An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that indicates to whom or for whom the action of a verb is performed. This exercise will give you practice in identifying indirect objects in sentences. InstructionsEach of the following ten sentences contains an indirect object. Identify the indirect object in each sentence, and then compare your answers with those on page two. Give Marie the prize.The taxi driver charged us twenty dollars.I wished my friends a happy new year and headed back into the house.After washing the dishes, I told the children a bedtime story about otters and eagles.Preetha often lends her brother money, but he never pays her back.Mikey handed me a note from his mother explaining his absence the day before.The young man built his family a house in an isolated hollow near White Bluff.Lynn bought her uncle a Western-style gray felt hat at the Franklin Sporting Goods store.Kate passed him the canteen, and he took a big drink of the cold water.Last fall our church group sent the missionaries mops and pails and building supplies. Below are the answers (in bold) to the exercise Practice in Identifying Indirect Objects. Give Marie the prize. The taxi driver charged us twenty dollars. I wished my friends a happy new year and headed back into the house. After washing the dishes, I told the children a bedtime story about otters and eagles. Preetha often lends her brother money, but he never pays her back. Mikey handed me a note from his mother explaining his absence the day before. The young man built his family a house in an isolated hollow near White Bluff. Lynn bought her uncle a Western-style gray felt hat at the Franklin Sporting Goods store. Kate passed him the canteen, and he took a big drink of the cold water. Last fall our church group sent the missionaries mops and pails and building supplies.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Expressions with Turn

Expressions with Turn Expressions with Turn Expressions with Turn By Maeve Maddox I find the word turn, its usage, and its derivatives tricky at times. Can we elaborate on  turn please? My first reaction to this reader’s suggestion was, â€Å"what can possibly be said about turn that would fill a post?† But then I started typing all the â€Å"turn† expressions I could think of and came up with dozens. Next I went to the OED online edition and despaired of ever scrolling to the bottom of the entry for turn as a verb. In my Compact OED print edition, I counted 34 columns devoted to turn. What a word! Let’s look at a few of its uses of turn as a verb. The verb turn has been in English for a thousand years. Old English tyrnan and turnian came from Latin tornÄ re, â€Å"to turn in a lathe.† Latin got it from a Greek word for a carpenter’s tool used to draw circles. In modern English, the basic meaning of turn is â€Å"to cause to move around.† A wheel turns; faucets turn. Carpenters turn wood on a tool called a lathe. Idioms used with turn can have many different meanings, both literal and figurative. Sleepers turn over in bed. People with a decision to make turn it over in their minds. In January, many people turn over a new leaf, and in April, taxpayers turn over a portion of their earnings to the IRS. Weary folk turn in for the night, vampires turn into bats, and informers turn against their associates and turn them in. Lights and machinery are turned on and turned off. In historical novels, criminals are also â€Å"turned off,† i.e., hanged. Old people turn up the heat; their children turn it down. Hotel maids turn down bedspreads, and wealthy actors turn down roles. When we think we have nowhere to turn, something always turns up and things turn out for the best. Turn is often coupled with body parts. Politicians turn a deaf ear, beautiful women turn heads, angry people turn their backs, a misstep causes someone to turn an ankle, bad smells turn our stomachs, andwhen we diewe turn up our toes. Readers (and people wanting a fresh start) turn the page, farmers turn the soil, resourceful heroes turn the tables on their enemies, and entrepreneurs turn a profit. Now it’s your turn. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†In Search of a 4-Dot Ellipsis35 Synonyms for Rain and Snow

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate Essay

Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate - Essay Example To find out more about the effects of exercise on pulse rate and blood pressure, an experiment was conducted. It was done by using two participants. Despite having the same age and gender, Person 1 is a 24-year old male who is 57 tall and 140 pounds. On the other hand, Person 2 is a 24-year old male who is 510 tall and 195 pounds. To effectively study them, they were engaged in a mild exercise (10-minute walk) and vigorous exercise (10-minute jumping). By using appropriate materials, the pulse rate and blood pressure were measured before, during and after the experiment. The differences in the results were used to determine the effects of exercise on pulse rate and blood pressure. While conducting this experiment, many materials were used. These included a stopwatch and digital pulse cuff and blood pressure which were of course used for recording the results to determine the changes in the blood pressure and pulse rate realized so far. The stopwatch was used for measuring time. From the analysis of the results, it was established that the exercise had resulted into an increase in blood pressure as well as pulse rate. The more vigorous the exercise was, the more the change in pulse rate. Because of these changes, it took some time for everything to turn back to normal after the end of the experiment. From these findings, it is clear that physical exercise has a direct on the pulse rate of a human being. It is for this reason that the aforementioned changes were experienced when the experiment was carried out. However, as found out from the recordings, the degree of change in pulse rate directly depends on the intensity of the exercise that is conducted (Wohlfahrt and Farazdaghi 168). For instance, when the participants engaged in walking exercises, there was a slight change in their pulse rates. However, this was not the same when the participants got involved in more vigorous exercises such as jumping on a rope.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis of Bubonic Plague Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of Bubonic Plague - Research Paper Example Due to the severity and intolerableness of its effects, this plague was considered as a lethal cause of death. The origins of this plague are associated with the East and a rapid spread is acknowledged all around Europe. The plague resulted in a diminishment of entire communities and a lack of resources and manpower to deal with the bodies was also accounted (HistoricUK). This paper will analyze the situation of England by considering social, economic, religious and political grounds during that era. Political Factors The most devastating era for London was during 1563 when the death rate due to the bubonic plague reached its peak. Approximately 80,000 deaths were reported and further analysis reveals almost 1000 weekly death in August 1600 weekly in September and 1800 in October (Miller & Orr). As a result of frequent death reports, people started to migrate from London. The elite class had no issues escaping the infectious plague and left the premises of London easily. Like many ot her accounts, poorer families and the financially unsound population were left to die. Queen Elizabeth also fled without paying heed to the people left behind. The political powers, yet again, seemed to support the privileged rich families with no regard given to the humanity and precious lives of poor people. This was not the end of Elizabeth’s political power and justice, she further passed a law to hang any person who enters from London. This justice was not to protect anyone except her own life. The restrictions on imports were also imposed to protect herself from the deadly plague. However, the plague still prevailed and crossed the borders without paying heed to Elizabeth’s orders and laws in 1578. Elizabeth took a rather realistic step and physicians were directed to find cures and prepare preventions for the plague diseases. Economic Factors The economic condition of England was greatly affected by the Plague. Almost half of the London population died due to th e devastating effects and ultimate demise of the victims. The poorer labor force was affected the most as this class could not flee or escape the horrifying effects of the plague. The high death rate of the labor class resulted in the shortage of labor force in England. This resulted in high pay demands of labors and landowners were forced to move towards money rents and dodge high labor costs. In addition, farming was replaced with grazing practices which needed fewer workforces. The peasants remained privileged due to high wage rates, as long as the rulers or elite class did not put hands on the state’s funds for their personal expenditures and motives. In order to overcome the labor availability issues at reasonable rates and curb the power of labor class, the political step was taken with the fixation of wage rate. The migration, in addition, was prohibited to keep the labor facilities available for their own needs. These steps created a negative attitude of the workforce and the rise of Priests’ Revolt is often associated with these political actions taken during the plague period. Religious Factors The Plague appeared for unknown reasons and the indistinct reasons led to chaos in the minds of the people regarding the underlying reasons for its spread.  Ã‚  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Career plan reflection Essay Example for Free

Career plan reflection Essay Looking back over the five weeks of this course I smile. It was encouraging, fun, and required a lot of critical thinking. Learning how to send a message and receive one was a very important step toward my business career. It seems as though listening is an easy thing to do, but after this course, I realize it takes skills. Considering the feeling of a speaker and giving them uninterrupted attention was something never considered as significant. Everyone is guilty at some point in believing they can multi-task while another person is speaking. How rude we have been. The career building activities were helpful as well. Learning about our strengths and weaknesses gives us an opportunity to improve as a person. This course was helpful in improving in areas of strategizing, organizing, innovating and most important, entrepreneurial thinking. Without this course my goal focus would not be on my mind as a higher education is developed. Having a career focus was thought to be further down the road. Little did I know, it starts now, and it starts within. Inasmuch, the communication of verbal and visual support was insightful. Having the right instructor, especially from the business field was a great asset to this course. Knowledge from the text book chapters was also informative. The chapters printed each week for study will be reviewed beyond this course. It gives good literature on the business audience. Most of the knowledge learned in this course will be used in communicating with friends, family, and people on the job. Debating and presentations will come easy because of the information from the text in knowing the audience. In the classroom the small debates and student inputs in our class discussions were exciting. Furthermore, the research on our debate paper helped to look for creditable sources that made our team paper more believable. This was our first debate and every moment of the fifth week was as enjoyable as the first four weeks. This course makes me look forward to the future courses of business and I hope they are as interesting as the instructor.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Atticus Finchs Statement on Prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird :: essays research papers

â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, †¦until you climb into his skin and walk around in it† Atticus’ statement on prejudice and racism characterises his moral integrity and his empathetic nature. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus Finch is depicted as the complete opposite of what people would perceive to be a stereotypical southern man living in the Deep South during the 1930s. Contrary to the majority of his fellow townspeople of Maycomb, Atticus is a man of great virtue and moral strength. He in not bigoted or racist and is egalitarian in his approach to all people This sort of moral integrity is what he tries to instil in his two young children, Jem and Scout, despite the bigotry and inequality surrounding them. Atticus Finch stands as a moral beacon of the town, a label which causes much friction between himself and other members of the Maycomb community. A clearer idea of Atticus’ principles can be gained by comparing and contrasting them to three other characters in the Novel, Calpurnia, Bob Ewell and Aunt Alexandra. Bob Ewell is, in essence, Atticus’ antithesis. If Atticus Finch represents the principled southern man then Bob Ewell certainly represents its darker, less attractive side. He lives in a rural squalor, a bedraggled mess of a house. A poverty stricken unemployed spiteful drunkard, Bob Ewell is looked down upon by all the members of the Maycomb community. His economic situation is at a point where his windows â€Å"...were covered with greasy strips of cheesecloth to keep out varmints†(p187) . In such social disarray his racial prejudices have festered to an extreme point, where he is completely blind in his loathing towards Negroes or any sort of social difference. He labels Atticus a â€Å"...nigger-loving bastard†(p240), for defending Tom Robinson. This statement alone gives us a graphic insight into how his mind has become truly polluted with narrow-mindedness. Bob Ewell’s loathing of others is impressed further on the reader, when he takes out his preju dices against Atticus, by attempting to kill Jem and Scout. Bob Ewell is the polar opposite of Atticus. He has no sense of justice whatsoever and his very being is the basis of prejudice itself. What is worse is there are others who share in his characteristics. To a certain extent Atticus’ sister Aunt Alexandra has more in common with Bob Ewell than with Atticus.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Properties of Gases Essay

The purpose of this lab was to investigate and discover the physical and chemical properties of some gases. Throughout this lab the ability to identify if and when gasses were present was enhanced. During the first step of this lab, when obtaining the hydrogen from the mossy zinc and the hydrochloric acid, it took a lot longer than I thought it would for the water in the pipet to be displaced. I was tempted to remove the stopper and add another piece of zinc and see if that would make it go faster, but I did not want to interrupt the process. It seemed the longer that the mossy zinc was exposed to the hydrochloric acid the faster it dissolved and therefore more gas was produced. When the manganese and the hydrogen peroxide were exposed to each other there was much more fizzing produced than that of the zinc and the hydrochloric acid. I was surprised (although I don’t know why) that the lime water turned cloudy when exposed to breath. It is quite simple when you think about it that when you exhale you release carbon dioxide which as shown in the above data turns the lime water cloudy. Conclusion/Discussion During the course of this lab I learned a lot about the generation of gases. I was somewhat confused in the beginning about how to use some of the equipment for this lab. As the lab went on I figured it out and became much more comfortable with it. I thought some of the experiments were very informative and interesting. I especially liked the portions about reactions with a lit match or the glowing splint as it showed on a small scale if the gas produced was flammable or not. Questions A. Give two reasons why we fill the gas generator test tubes almost to the top with chemicals. 1. The first reason we fill the test tubes almost to the top with chemicals is so that the reaction between the two substances is high enough to the top to go through the rubber stopper and displace the water in the pipet and trap the gas. 2. The second reason is so that observations can be made easily about the reactions. If it was not almost completely filled we may have had to try to pick up the test tube or remove the tissue paper to make observations and this may have altered the results. B. What happens to the zinc in the hydrogen generation experiment? The zinc begins to slowly dissolve when exposed to the hydrochloric acid. The longer the zinc was submerged in the hydrochloric acid the faster it seemed to dissolve. C. What happens to the manganese in the oxygen generation experiment? The manganese produced large amounts of fizzing when exposed to the hydrogen peroxide. It was difficult to tell whether the manganese was actually dissolving or just fizzing. D. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between O2 and H2. 2H2 + O2 2H2O E. What is the function/purpose of the bromothymol blue in the CO2 experiment? The purpose of the bromothymol blue was to show the reaction of the chemicals and the gas that was formed. Since the bromothymol blue changed from blue to yellow, that signified that the gas formed was acidic. F. Bromothymol blue is blue in the presence of basic solutions, and yellow in the presence of acidic solutions. If your solution is a murky green, what might you assume about the solution? I would assume one of two things. There may have possibly been a contamination of the substance. The other possibility might be that the pH of the solution is neutral. If the bromothymol blue turns a murky green color this may indicate that the substance is neither basic or acidic.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Censorship in Television and Movies: How It Has Changed Throughout the Years

1 1 Censorship in Television, Media, and Film throughout the Years: How Has it Changed? By Heather Soileau and Alexys Peron Abstract This project is about Censorship in television and movies: How it has changed throughout the years.This project will describe the past television shows and major movie productions’ use of nudity, profanity, and violence and what they did to protect censorship in our homes. This project will show that in our new day and age censorship is being pushed to the limit, the children of our nation will hear and see violence, profanity, and nudity through their lifetimes. Information for this project was secured from various sources such as, books, internet websites, and government documents. Also, included with the project will be interview from various adults, seniors, and children so that they can explain their view on censorship.This project intends to demonstrate that even though you trust you children to watch appropriate show we can’t help w hat comes on every channel. 4 4 The main purpose of this report is to learn and educate people of censorship over the years. Censorship is â€Å"the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet, or other controlling body†. Many factors have influenced me and my partner to do our project on how censorship in American television, media, and films has changed over the years.Most of these influences come from lessons in our English I class about The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and many other classic novels that have been changed and modified over the years. However, we found more of an interest in censorship on television, being that there is much more profanity on television than books. In this research, a few questions that were very important for us were, â€Å"Has censorship gotten stricter over the years, or less of a worry† and â€Å"How h ave people reacted to censorship over the years†.We found that in the past, women and society were very modest and it was very negative to speak harshly on television. Over the years, very foul words and actions have progressed to become tossed around and taken more lightly in America, such as in the popular antique television show â€Å"I Love Lucy†, the main character Lucy found out that she was expecting a baby with her husband. The television producers would not allow her to use the word â€Å"pregnant† on the screen. One of the main influences of foul language television is the channel MTV.MTV was largely debated over because of its inappropriate music videos and shows, which were accused of Satanism by many. The article on Wikipedia also states that MTV was criticized for being too â€Å"politically correct†. Many shows and movies these days are poorly censored, mostly sitcoms. The way most people with children react to poorly censored movies and sho ws in negative, because they don’t want their children being exposed to that. On the other hand, majority of young adults that don’t have any children find these shows and movies amusing.The show â€Å"Jersey Shore† which aired on MTV for 6 consecutive prosperous seasons, however, the show was protested against for a while because the town of Stanton Island, NJ thought that the show used stereotypical Italian people and that it poorly viewed Stanton Island. However, the viewer reacts to censorship depends on their age and personality. 5 5 6 6 Conclusion My partner and I have come to the conclusion that censorship has greatly changed over the years. Some features, such as more freedom, are better, but others, such as profanity, violence, and nudity, are causing society to change, and not for the better. 7 Bibliography Robicheaux, Ken. â€Å"Movie Censorship. † Movie Censorship. Key Light Enterprises, LLC, 2007. Web. 15 Jan. 2013. . Chicago Historical Socie ty. â€Å"Film Censorship. † Film Censorship. Encyclopedia of Chicago, 2005. Web. 13 Jan. 2013. . Corliss, Richard. â€Å"Censuring the Movie Censors. † Time. com. Time Entertainment Time Inc. , 02 Sept. 2006. Web. 18 Jan. 2013. . Anonymous Wikipedia Editors. â€Å"Censorship. † En. wikipedia. org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , 18 Jan. 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2013. . Anonymous Wikipedia Editors. â€Å"MTV. † En. wikipedia. org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2013. . Anonymous Wikipedia Editors. â€Å"Censorship on MTV. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2013. .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Make a Wax Paper Leaf Pressing

Make a Wax Paper Leaf Pressing Collecting and saving leaves  in scrapbooks and nature journals is a fun activity for families to do together, creating  reminders of memorable hikes, camping trips, or walks at your local  parks. Even with all the  tree leaf identification  resources available online today, you still cant beat using a real, preserved leaf to assist you in looking up different types of trees and plants.  Or you can document different colorings on the same trees from year to year in your own backyard, tracking how wet and hot the spring and summer were and noting the effect on the trees leaf colors that year. Pressing leaves using wax paper is an easy alternative to a building and using a plywood leaf press because the device is bulky and takes some time and effort to construct. Using wax paper captures some color, highlights a leafs structure, and the project is manageable from a time and materials standpoint. You likely have all the materials you need already, without needing a special shopping trip to hunt them down. Difficulty: Easy Time Required   10  minutes per leaf What You Need Wax paperWooden cutting boardThin towelWarmed ironLeaf Heres How Collect the leaf or several leaves that most represent an average-looking leaf of the tree species. Have a few samples of each kind you wish to preserve, in case one gets damaged. Inspect your specimens for fungus or insects before taking them with you.  Back at home, place a  collected leaf between two layers of wax paper  with plenty of room to trim and preserve the wax seal.  Open a towel on a  wooden cutting board. Put the wax paper leaf sandwich onto the towel and then fold it over the top of the specimen. A thin kitchen dish towel is preferable to a thick terrycloth  towel. You can even use paper towels.  Turn the iron on medium dry heat, and evenly iron over the towel. The heat will seal the leaf between the wax paper sheets. After a couple of minutes of ironing, flip over the folded towel and iron the specimen from the other side as well. The wax paper should get somewhat clearer as it melts around the leaf.When cool, trim the wax paper specimen to fit a piece o f white paper. Label the page, and insert it and the preserved leaf  into a  three-ring sheet protector. Keep your collection in a binder. Tips Depending on the tree species, a  green leaf may brown a bit. This is normal and should be considered when reviewing leaf color.Bring your collected leaves  home between the pages of a book or notebook, as they could get crumpled or torn in your pocket or bag. Warnings Children should not use a hot iron without adult supervision (or even may need adult help, depending on the age of the child).  Do not take leaves from national parks.Make sure your local state parks dont have any restrictions before picking leaves, such as not going off the marked trails, or not touching endangered species. Some parks may not allow the picking of any plants.Learn what poison ivy and poison oak look like, so you dont accidentally take leaves from those plants.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

An Opinion on the Future of Gender Equality

An Opinion on the Future of Gender Equality As much as I would love for gender equality to become an accomplishment soon, I genuinely question that it will entirely come to a possibility. Although numerous of nations claim that they are not gender one-sided, many people still consider themselves as more superior than the opposite gender. Throughout most of Earth’s entire life time, women are most likely to become inferior to their male opponents. This sort of separation is exceptionally dangerous and can prompt troublesome ways of life, such as difficult lifestyles and one gender being submissive to another.The degrees and reasons for the amount of inequality differ from all across the world. In some countries honor killing, the point at which a female individual from a family is executed for the view of having conveyed shame to their family. This had turned to a monsterous situation in countries such as Pakistan and the Middle E the Middle East. In July 2009, two Saudi Arabian sisters were murdered by their sibling within the presence of their father under the rubric of defending the familys honor. Another circumstance of wrongdoing incorporated more than 30,000 women in Guatemala who have been murdered in the course of recent years because of cases involving misogynistic violence. It has been estimated that 130 million girls were genitally mutilated in Africa and Yemen. 5,000 ladies in India who endured female infanticide each year due to inadequate endowment installment money given to the spouse by the brides family. These types of activities are unlawful viciousness against women, as well as towards the entire mankind. Another major problem involving gender equality that has been occurring is sex-selective abortion. This fuels the problems of having human trafficking, statistic awkwardness, and sexual abuse.Since women are seen as useless unless they are given birth to a male offspring, they suffer the most pain. India and China, the two most populated countries on Earth both practice the preference of male child birth over females. Females are considered underestimated and weak in Chinese society, and under ONE CHILD POLICY, many families keep the male offspring more often than female offsprings. Additionally in India, male child birth is widely supported and welcomed while that of a woman is viewed as a burden. Numerous governments routinely smother common society by limiting flexibility of the press, expression, and assembly. These confinements antagonistically influenced the two men and women: nonetheless, females are subjected to a large group of extra gender-specific human rights violations. This legitimate segregation undermines womens full personhood and equivalent cooperation in the public eye and puts at an expansion chance for brutality. In the governments’ eye, women are automatically viewed as weak and often dismissed if they want to report any type of offense. This can lead to the misuse of the judicial system and can make any court cases more prohibitively expensive to settle. The women’s movement has, appropriately, invested years crusading for lawful change and tending to sex predisposition in existing laws, however the concentration needs to move to changing demeanors and the social factors that keep women from practicing their rights. The power of the law to o vercome these forces ought not be overestimated. In this day and age, women are not the only group of people who are suffering from human rights violation. The LGBTQ + community has also had its fair share at the abuse governments have given them. They are constantly being tortured for being who they are, for liking someone of the same gender, and how they are perceived in everyone else’s eyes. The LGBTQ+ have always been denied from their decision from claiming getting hitched, embracing kids, or landing typical job positions. Countries all across the world feel that having two individuals of the same sexual orientation getting married is considered satanic or unnatural. This prompts churches and the court system to deny their rights to wed or have kids since â€Å" marriage ought to be between a man and a woman† or â€Å"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.† People in this community have also been told that they will spoil in hellfire for they way they are. In any case, how are they causing issues for p referring someone over another. We should be totally legit, as much as anybody would love to have the world to have sexual orientation fairness, it will be completely inconceivable since the world is fundamentally one-sided to one sex. The world sees itself as being more male or ‘alpha† dominant instead of being equal to all sides. In an impeccable dream, gender equality would appear like a stage a route from ending up genuine. Be that as it may, in actuality, we need to remember that regardless of the amount we say that were equivalent, despite everything were isolated by what sex you are.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

In this country banks are being urged to lend, especially to small Essay

In this country banks are being urged to lend, especially to small businesses (vide Project Merlin) and for mortgages, but also - Essay Example Loans to small and medium size business ventures form the bulk of the credit facilities offered by banks at any one time and therefore have a critical responsibility in ascertaining the stability of an economic framework. Private developers equally get credit facilities in terms of mortgages and this has been in the rise with the advent of a booming real estate business across the globe. Bothe local and international investors have continuously sought the intervention of banks through monetary assistance through credit facilities which have been termed a critical stimulant to an economy reviving from effects of financial crises or intending to build on internal reserves in finances. In the UK, in the aftermath of the global financial crises, the banks are being encouraged to adopt the lending strategy especially to small business and for mortgages. Moreover, they are required to step up regulatory and precautionary measures in building up capital reserves in order to aid in the smoot h operations within the economy. However, an outright dilemma sets in regarding the balance between the safe lending and the ways to build up the capital reserves as required. The government of the United Kingdom plays the role of regulation and creates an enabling environment for the banks and small business enterprises that are the target in the credit facilities. On the other hand, the banking sector within the country has a central role in formulating and adopting favorable policies, which will serve to regulate the credit facilities, advanced while at the same time monitoring the growth of financial capital stocks in the banking sector. Drawing lessons from the 2007 to 2008 financial crises, Gambacorta and Marques-Ibanez draws the conclusion that stability in financial intermediaries plays a critical role in ensuring that there is a smooth transmission of credit facilities between the banks (lenders) and the borrowers (the likes of small and medium size businesses). The strengt h of bank lending channels plays an important role in provision of credit facilities in that bank-specific characteristics are central in credit provision. However, structural adjustments and changes during the period of crises resulted to favorable outcomes in restoration of sanity within the economy. During the crises, the loan supply suffered restriction greatly from weaker capital positions from banks as well as overdependence on non-interests loans and market funding. This therefore points to the risks that are prevalent to banks over funding liquidities. The conclusion from the lessons learnt support the need of establishing regulatory and monitoring mechanisms on those factors that work in favor of or against monetary transmission more so during periods of crises. The central bank has a specific role that of supervisory role to the other banks and keeping a proper statistical data base of all the banks for monetary regulation and advisory roles (Gambacorta and Marques-Ibanez, 2011, p.1-28). In order to address the rising concerns, there are various tools that can be applied within the banking sector, which would include imposition of monetary policies, deregulation as well as financial innovation. However, monetary policies are argued not to be very neutral from the perspective of financial stability. Financial